Contact Me

If you need to get in touch with me, please e-mail the appropriate address below. Please note the .net at the end! Anything sent to an address will be forever lost in the void! Make sure you are using the appropriate address!

Prior to getting in contact, please read my Tips for Clear Communication.

Keep in mind that Friday is a weekly holiday for me, therefor any message sent on a Friday will not reach me until Saturday.

Also keep in mind that I check my e-mail only once or twice per day, so it may take awhile for me to see your e-mail.

Purpose E-mail Address
General information
Report abusive behavior
DMCA Take Down Request
COPPA (Children's Online Privacy Protection Act)
If your child is under 13 years of age and you can prove you are the legally responsible parent or guardian, e-mail me to provide confirmation that your child has permission to use an account on my site. Prior to doing so, please read the COPPA section of my Terms of Use (and read the rest of it, for that matter).
Warrant for the Request of Information
Must be legally enforceable in the United States of America
Please be aware that I will publish a warrant canary. I will, however, comply with any gag order prohibiting me from revealing what information was requested.